I don’t know two people better suited for each other.
It’s as if you are one person.
Becky, my oldest friend and John her Carolina beau.
Sorry John, the bachelorette will be a little wild.
We have a cop stripper coming and some other things
planned which Becky will love.
And plenty of drink, I know you love that.
Becky can drink anyone under the table.
Jim Beam because I have a sponsorship.
And something fruity with an umbrella.
Body shots at the bar.
Plenty of dancing.
To celebrate.
To John and Becky on your day.
Kisses from all your sisters xx
Milla Kunis is leaving the scented lavender farts of the Hollywood Hills to start her new sorority life on campus. Her work has appeared in or is forthcoming from such esteemed journals as: The Jim Beam Quarterly, Pleasure Yourself Press, The Sexbot Quarterly and How to Tie a Noose with My Hair. She is pleasuring herself to Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention right now. Hail Satan's hot tub!